- Fisioline
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- Fisioline FISIOFIELD MIDDLE Magnetic Therapy Unit
Fisioline FISIOFIELD MIDDLE Magnetic Therapy Unit
Fisioline FISIOFIELD MIDDLE Magnetic Therapy Unit
Description :
Fisiofield Middle is an innovative piece of equipment for magnetotherapy that generates in low and medium frequency pulsating magnetic fields.
Fisiofield Middle is part of the new FISIOFIELD range, extending the horizons of applications using magnetic fields, in the orthopaedic and traumatology fields, as well as in sports medicine.
The operator is able to set the frequency, intensity and treatment time as well as the type of wave (square or sinusoidal) in order to obtain specific therapeutic effects (antalgic, antiedemic, trophic and stimulating action) selectively on various types of biological tissue. Fisiofield Middle combines the practicality of using preset programs as well as offering the option of creating new personalized programs using the available free memories.