- Pagani
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- Pagani DX-500 Shortwave Diathermy Unit
Pagani DX-500 Shortwave Diathermy Unit
Pagani DX-500 Shortwave Diathermy Unit
Description :
Capacitive, Inductive and Resistive modes
The wide range of available accessories along with the high technological solutions, allow the operator to use
DX-500 into Capacitive, Inductive and Resistive modalities.
So, while the most traditional capacitive mode permits to get in touch with the deepest tissues for provoking both thermal and electromagnetic effects, inductive mode is mainly used for concentrating electromagnetic
field into a certain area, normally using lower thermal effects and making more important electromagnetic stimulation from the soft tissues up to the hardest tissues.
Resistive mode is made by using a small electrode
over or close to the interested area to be treated and a greater electrode over a neutral part of the body for
concentrating thermal and electromagnetic effects
near to the affected area